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User research

Collect essential information that will tell you what people both want and expect from your website, enabling you to create a truly user-focused experience that they’ll love.

Let’s take the first step. We’re ready.

Be exceptional

Exceptional user experiences don’t happen by accident. Obviously a lot of factors are involved, not least great design and content, but at the start, it all comes down to solid initial research.

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People watching

It’s an information economy

It’s all about gathering information about users to better understand their behaviour, needs and expectations. This information is then used to design and develop products that meet those needs and expectations. The primary goal of user research is to create a user-centred design that provides the best possible user experience.

Only by knowing can you truly engage

User research is vital for a number of reasons, but the primary one is the in-depth understanding you’ll gain of your target audience. Knowing what your users want and need helps create a website tailored to them, making them more likely to engage with your digital products. In turn, this leads to increased user satisfaction, loyalty and retention.

Feel the pain

Research also helps identify pain points and barriers encountered when using your websites. By identifying these issues, we can make necessary improvements and enhancements to make the user experience significantly better.

What have you got to lose? Plenty.

Whatever your business, we’re guessing you can’t really afford to lose customers. Or alienate potential new ones. But a badly-researched website could certainly do just that by frustrating users with poor usability.

Without proper research you may also be investing time and money into features or design elements that your users don’t actually care about. Plus, you may very well be competing with companies that have done their homework.

Keep pace with perpetual change

Change is always on the horizon. The needs and behaviours of customers are constantly changing. Only regular user research will give you in-depth and actionable insights into the behaviour, motivations and requirements of your target audience. You must adapt to evolve, and we’ll help you work out how.

What’s in our toolbox?

There are a large number of tools and techniques used for user research, but below are some of the most common methods we use.

User interviews

These are face-to-face or virtual interviews with users to gather qualitative data on their needs, behaviour and expectations.

User surveys

These are quantitative surveys designed to gather data on user behaviour, opinions and attitudes.

Card sorting

A technique used to understand how users categorise and organise information.

A/B testing

A technique used to compare two versions of a digital product to determine which one performs better.

Heat mapping

A tool used to track user behaviour and interactions with a website.

Tree testing

Tree testing provides a way to measure how well users can find items in a hierarchy of topics and subtopics.

Usability testing

A technique used to evaluate how easy it is to use a website by observing users interacting with it.

How we work, works

We’re in the business of results. Take a look at our recent work, or get in touch to learn more about how we did it.

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Let’s take the first step. We’re ready.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is user research and why is it important?

User research is a process of understanding user behaviour, needs and expectations through various research methods, like surveys, interviews and observations. User research is essential for businesses as it helps them to create user-centric products and services, improve user experience, increase customer satisfaction and reduce spending by avoiding costly mistakes.

What type of user research should I use for my business?

There are various types of user research methods like surveys, interviews, focus groups and usability testing. Ultimately, the choice of research method depends on the research goals, the target audience and the resources available.

How long does user research take?

The time, and indeed cost, of user research depends on several factors, like the research goals, methods, sample size and the resources available. Whatever your needs, we can scale to meet them .

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