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Catch up on the latest news in the fast-moving world of SEO, written by our SEO experts.


A Guide to Negative SEO

What is negative SEO? How do you spot it and protect your website from it? These questions and more are…


Canonicals or 301 redirects – which one to use?

301 redirects or canonicals? This post examines the what, how and why of both subjects along with some great examples.


Does Black Hat SEO Still Work?

Black Hat SEO still goes on, works incredibly well and is making a lot of people money. The drawback is…


SEO on-page factors: creating great pages

Creating well crafted web pages ticking all the right SEO On Page Factors will help improve your website visibility in…


Optimising for voice search & digital assistants

This post will look at how search marketers can adapt and optimise for the rise of voice search and digital…


How to calculate the ideal maximum CPC for AdWords

A client recently asked me to calculate the ideal cost-per-click (CPC) for their keywords, but unfortunately there is no exact…


15 ways to optimise your crawl budget for SEO

Optimising your crawl budget will help search engines crawl and index the most important pages on your website. Here are…


5 Ways to find your online competitors

Are your online competitors really who you think they are? You may be surprised who is competing with you for…


Google Update: Intrusive Mobile Popups Affecting Rankings

In another step towards improving the quality, speed and delivery of content to mobile devices, Google has rolled out an…


Social media glossary for 2017: an A-Z of social media

With so many social media platforms in existence it can be difficult to keep track of all the different social…

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