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We put analytics at the heart of the marketing decision-making process. You could even say we’re a web analytics agency. And in these blogs our industry experts share best practices, outline key strategies, highlight emerging trends and provide a whole range of actionable insights. All with the aim to enhance your understanding and application of analytics in digital marketing.

Ai and Machine Learning

Share of Model: a key metric for AI-powered search

We continue to adapt our measurement techniques to keep pace with technological advancements. From metrics such as share of voice…

Data + Privacy

Future-proofing your first-party data brand strategy

The results are in. Online brands utilising their first-party (owned) data are already leaps ahead of the competition regarding customer…


Navigating the shift from precision to prediction in marketing measurement

The imminent deprecation of third-party cookies, coupled with increasing privacy regulations and fragmented media consumption, is significantly altering the foundation…

Digital PR

How to measure success in Digital PR

"How do you measure the effectiveness of Digital PR?" is a question that's been batted around for the last few…


Eyes on the prize: effective measurement frameworks for 2024

Attribution in 2010 was simple, a user clicked on an ad and that ad was attributed to the sale. To…

Data + Privacy

How conversion modelling helps recover lost data

Let’s face the facts: you can no longer track 100% of users 100% of the time. There’s an ever-growing list…

Data + Privacy

Why digital attribution isn’t (and never was) a silver bullet

In today's complex digital ecosystem, no single measurement tool can capture every user interaction with your brand online - from…


Everything we learned from Google’s “Prepare for Peak” webinar

The peak season holds immense importance for ecommerce businesses, serving as a crucial period to maximise sales and gain a…


Using GA4 event tracking

Google Analytics 4 event tracking is an invaluable feature that allows you to record interactions with elements of your website…


How to avoid a ‘crash and burn’ marketing campaign by making the right decisions

Picture a pilot coming in to land and the plane is suddenly swayed left by a gust of wind. To…

Digital Strategy

Full-funnel marketing: measuring what matters  

Over the past few years, marketers have been dealing with an economic and social environment that has been volatile, uncertain…


Using GA4 demographic data: age, gender and interests

Demographic data is a lot more valuable than you may think. It can help shape your website, paid advertising channels…

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